FICC: The pair Neila Tazi-Abdelkader Retnani renewed for a second term

The duo composed of Neila Tazi and Abdelkader Retnani, was unanimously elected for a second term during the Ordinary and Elective General Assembly (AGOE) of the Federation of Cultural and Creative Industries (FICC), held Monday at headquarters of the CGEM.
During this AGOE, the pair presented the results of their first term of office 2019/2022. It shows that in 3 years of existence, the FICC has succeeded in making its voice heard by institutional actors and international partners, despite the crisis induced by the covid-19 pandemic which has severely affected the sector of Cultural Industries and Creative for 2 long years.
This term has been marked by many achievements, the most important of which are:
– The organization of the 1st Assizes of Cultural and Creative Industries under the High Patronage of His Majesty the King;
– The signing of the Program Contract in support of the Cultural and Creative Industries sector during the Covid Crisis
– The signing of a first agreement in 2019 then a second in 2022 with the supervisory ministry, aiming, among other things, to develop a national strategy in the field of CCIs, structure the legal and tax frameworks for cultural enterprise, encourage the creation of cultural businesses, organize awareness-raising meetings on the importance of CCIs and encourage regional dynamics and training programs in the field of CCIs
– A strong mobilization during the 3rd Tax Conference for the integration of the sector into the framework law (cf. article 7 of the framework law 69.19)
– The publication of a study on CCIs as part of a partnership with Wallonie Bruxelles International, the objective of which is to contribute to the structuring of the CCI sector
– Cooperation with the Netherlands on “Strengthening entrepreneurship in Morocco in the ICC sector”;
the membership of members across the Kingdom (Casablanca, Rabat, Salé, El Jadida, Oujda, Tangier, Ouarzazate, Agadir and Dakhla). The FICC also has member companies in France and the USA.
At the end of the presentation of the results of the term of office and the elective process, the elected pair renewed their commitment to federate and advocate in favor of the Cultural and Creative Industries sector in Morocco.