Nabila Mounib “once again” forbidden access, his comrades denounce
On the occasion of the opening this Friday, April 8 of the spring session of the Moroccan Parliament, the PSU deputy (Unified Socialist Party), Nabila Mounib, was “once again” prohibited from accessing the hemicycle… for no vaccination pass.
In the press release announcing the opening of the second parliamentary session of the legislative year 2021-2022, the House of Representatives made it clear that in execution of the decisions of the public authorities concerning the new preventive measures on the need to be equipped of the vaccination pass in order to access public and private services, MEPs are required to present this document.
An instruction which was not respected by the parliamentarian Nabila Mounib, a declared antivax, and who therefore does not have the vaccination pass required to access Parliament, like many other public spaces. The PSU deputy was therefore denied access by the authorities to the door of the hemicycle.

To support her, her comrades in the left party organized a demonstration this Friday in front of the Parliament in Rabat to denounce this ban which prevented the secretary general of their party from accessing the hemicycle “to defend the interests of citizens who voted for it.
Mounib’s comrades thus accused the presidency of the House of Representatives of ” flagrant violation of the requirements of the constitution“, wondering why she was once again prevented from entering Parliament when government authorities announced the relaxation of precautionary measures to prevent Covid-19, authorizing the organization of rallies and the return of fans in football stadiums.

During the current legislature, Nabila Mounib, attended only one public session in the House of Representatives, before being prevented from entering Parliament. This ban comes after the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Rachid Talbi Alami, issued a decision requiring the presentation of a health pass as an entry document to the first chamber.
But Nabila Mounib does not give up. The PSU SG remains committed to her decision not to receive the Covid vaccine, while fellow party members say continuing to bar her from entering Parliament “ is an intentional decision aimed at the party“.

” Nabila Mounib was able, during the five minutes to speak to which she was entitled during the only public session she attended, to reveal many facts and expose many taboos. Reason why they insist on preventing him from returning to Parliament“, told MoroccoLatestNewsJamal Laasri, member of the Political Bureau of the United Socialist Party.

This PSU activist thus believes that it is not a question of an exclusion of their comrade Nabila Mounib and of the Unified Socialist Party only, but earlier” of an exclusion of the voice of a large part of the Moroccan people from reaching the legislative institution“.

” They don’t want to hear the voice of our comrade Nabila Mounib right now, because it is a voice that is against the normalization that has brought us real disasters. It is also a voice that demands the accountability of the fuel lobbies which are making billions, as well as the file of the release of the detainees of the Rif“, he clarified.

The demonstration organized by Mounib’s comrades on Friday turned into a march towards the main door of Parliament, during which slogans of a political and social nature were chanted.