Ukraine asks for more weapons from NATO in the face of Russian warnings

Fighting continues in eastern Ukraine and in Mariupol, pro-Russian separatists claim to be fighting against thousands of Ukrainians. Russia could lose its place in a UN institution.
In a statement carried by several Russian state media, representatives of pro-Russian Ukrainian separatists said fighting continues in the city of Mariupol where Russian forces had intensified their efforts.
“We think that there are around 3,000 or 3,500 (opposing soldiers) left, but we must also take into account the fact that among the inhabitants of Mariupol, some have taken up arms, and therefore the number may be much higher,” said Edouard. Basurin, representative of separatist forces from Donetsk.
The fighting between the two clans would take place in a steel factory, Azovstal, and in the port, said the same source.
Meanwhile, the mayors of localities in eastern Ukraine are organizing the departure of Ukrainians so that they escape a possible Russian attack.
“We have to decide as soon as possible. The situation is very degraded, ”said on Facebook, the governor of the Lugansk region, in eastern Ukraine, Serguiï Gaïdaï.
He announced the opening of evacuation corridors for the inhabitants of seven localities in this region partly occupied since 2014 by pro-Russian separatists. The day before 1,200 people were evacuated.
Hit by a new salvo of international sanctions, Westerners more precisely, Russia, is accused of having committed “war crimes” against civilians in the town of Boutcha where a dozen bodies were found in mass graves.
On Thursday, Russia also risks losing its place on the Human Rights Council in a much-awaited vote at the UN. Meanwhile, Ukraine continues to demand more weapons from NATO.
“I come to ask for three things: arms, arms and arms. The faster they are delivered, the more lives will be saved and destruction averted,” Ukraine’s Foreign Minister Dmytro Kouleba said on Thursday upon arriving at NATO headquarters in Brussels for a meeting with his counterparts from the countries of the EU. Atlantic Alliance.
The Kremlin responded Thursday morning that sending US weapons to Ukraine will negatively impact ongoing peace talks.