The CDG Group now has a Sustainable Development Charter

The CDG Group now places Sustainable Development at the heart of its long-term growth model and reiterates its commitment to societal and environmental issues.
As a historic leading player in the economic and social growth of the Kingdom, the CDG Group has reiterated its commitment to societal and environmental issues by adopting a Group Sustainable Development Charter.
Through this charter, CDG undertakes to integrate the challenges and principles of Sustainable Development into its decisions and activities, in order to maximize their positive and lasting impacts.
This responsible commitment is illustrated in particular by the realization of various actions and initiatives that directly meet the requirements set by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations as well as those of the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (SNDD).
The Group is positioning itself, without being limited, on 12 structuring SDGs, in deep resonance with its DNA and structured around four complementary areas, namely economic growth, environmental issues, well-being and social cohesion and governance, ethics and internal exemplarity.
Tracing the contours of a new harmonized working framework and consolidating the guidelines and principles to be promoted for sustainable growth, the Sustainable Development Charter is fully integrated into the Group’s overall strategy.
The Group is thus adopting a responsible contribution approach based on 5 key principles: contributing to economic and social development and the creation of long-term value, preserving and strengthening environmental and climatic balances, working to promote well-being and financial and social inclusion, promote good governance and internal exemplarity and enhance human capital.
Through the implementation of this Sustainable Development Charter, the CDG Group intends to raise awareness and promote the principles and objectives listed among its multiple internal and external stakeholders (partners, suppliers, customers, employees, etc.).