nearly 3.3 million Moroccans play gambling

Addictive behavior generates a turnover of 32.19 billion dirhams, or nearly 3% of GDP and represents 9.1% of tax revenue, according to a recent report by the economic, social and environmental council (CESE).
Morocco is no exception to the rule. The review of the different manifestations of addictive behavior reveals that the phenomenon is widespread and multifaceted. The most recent indicators and data characterize this worrying situation.
The president of the ESEC, Ahmed Reda Chami, during a meeting by videoconference on the phenomenon of addiction, entitled “Dealing with addictive behavior: inventory and recommendations”, presented the results of a number of research and of studies revolving around addiction in Morocco.
The report revealed that more than 6 million smokers, including 500,000 minors under the age of 18, as well as almost 18,500 people who inject drugs, and more than 9% of minors in schools had used at least one times cannabis.
With regard to the use of psychoactive substances, it is estimated at 4.1%, drug abuse and dependence at nearly 3%, alcohol abuse at 2% and alcoholic dependence at 1, 4%. As well as more than 18,500 people inject drugs, with high prevalences of Hepatitis C (57%) and HIV (11.4%).
“These are indeed alarming figures, which demonstrate the seriousness of this problem in our country, and the need to deal with its serious repercussions on the mental, psychological and physical health of the people concerned”, indicated the president of the ESEC.
More than one in ten Moroccans is a gambler
As for games of chance, “the issue of gambling has never been the subject of a national study for informational or preventive purposes”, underlines the report. Adding that the existing estimates result from the figures presented by the operators of games, which show “a population of potential elderly players, estimated at 20 to 28 million people”.
In addition, the report indicates that “one out of ten Moroccans (10.6%) aged over 15 would bet with the Moroccan Games and Sports (MDJS) for a total estimated at around 2.8 million players. The share of male players over the age of 15 is estimated at 19.4% against 1.5% of women, and they would be twice as urban as rural (13.4% against 6.1%)”.
ESEC recommendations
Faced with this worrying situation, the ESEC recommends a set of recommendations starting with the recognition of addictions, with or without substance, as diseases eligible for reimbursable care while initiating a review and updating of the legal framework for medical coverage for the purposes to clarify the nature and specify the typology of addictive disorders considered as diseases requiring treatment.
The ESEC also calls for the discipline and the university degree in addictology to be legally recognized and the statutes of other professions related to this discipline (psychologists, occupational therapists, etc.) to be adopted with a view to developing human resources.
It is necessary to strengthen the resources of the Moroccan Observatory of Drugs and Addictions (OMDA) in order to ensure the regular monitoring and publication of data on the prevalence, forms, effects and methods of treatment. addictions to psychoactive substances and addictions to activities.
Finally, the ESEC recommends the launch of a national plan to prevent and fight against addictions in the workplace, and to set up a national authority for the supervision and technical and ethical regulation of betting and gaming establishments and companies to prevent and fight addiction.