Dynamics of the Appeal of Rabat calls for setting up communication channels
The associative collective “Dynamic of the Appeal of Rabat” denounces the statement of the Ministry of the Interior, published April 25, relating to the activation of legal and judicial procedures against associations in violation of the law, being responsible for the administration of procedures related to the legal status of associations.
The Dynamics of the Appeal of Rabat of democratic associations believes that the current atmosphere is experiencing a wave of violations of human rights and public freedoms, as well as violations of constitutional provisions. These abuses, according to the statement of the associative collective, have enabled certain voices within the government to return to the situation before 2000. Adding that the Kingdom has recorded remarkable advances in the field of human rights, which are the fruit of the efforts of democratic civil society and its tireless and independent work to establish a democratic State, equipped with legislation and practices in conformity with the universal principles of human rights and compatible with international obligations.
To this end, the Dynamique de l’Appel de Rabat considers that the strength and credibility of the State and its institutions do not reside in the confiscation of freedoms and rights, but in the capacity of the State and its institutions to respect the law and international relations. In the same vein, the association calls for improving the human rights situation through the development of channels for dialogue and community consultation, respect for freedom of expression, acceptance of criticism and responsibility, and dedicate themselves to active citizenship. The Ministry of the Interior indicated, in a press release published on April 25, that “given the fact that such practices deceive national and international public opinion and undermine the essence of the rule of law and the law based on the equation between the exercise of rights and the commitment to duties, the Ministry of the Interior, as the government official in charge of managing the procedures related to the legal status of the associations, reserves the right to activate legal and judicial procedures against those bodies that violate the law”.
In this sense, the press release from the associative collective specifies that: “the Ministry of the Interior, by not giving the provisional and final receipts to the associations within the deadlines set by law, will never be able to give us lessons in respecting the law. , knowing that the law governing associations entrusts the courts alone with the power of decision. And the Ministry of the Interior is not allowed to encroach on the powers of the judicial authority. Finally, the Dynamique d’Appel de Rabat calls for the establishment of channels for public dialogue and consultation on all issues of interest to citizens in order to establish a democratic state that respects difference and protects freedoms and dignity. human.